Legal Information

Legal Responsible

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI / CE), we inform you of the legal responsible for this website:

Commercial Name: Academia de Formación, FÓRMA TE SL
CIF: B88174727
Registered Address: Calle Libertad 16, 28936 Madrid
Social Activity: Training Academy
Registered Mercantile Registry of Madrid: 17/08/2018. Volume: 38042, Folio: 75, Section: 8, Record Sheet: 677255, Entry: 1
Registered in the General Data Protection Register: Code

Object / General Conditions of Service

The use of the website implies that any person accessing it (user) agrees to be bound by the General Conditions of Service in force at the time you access this website.


Academia de Formación Fórmate S.L. undertakes to offer the service offered in accordance with the information presented on the website, whether in relation to deadlines, prices, offers or other circumstances offered.

Similarly, it undertakes not to transfer the personal data of its users to third companies or to carry out commercial actions that may be condideradas as spam (unsolicited commercial mail).

It also undertakes to treat the personal data of its users with total privacy and protected by modern security systems and in accordance with the requirements of current legislation. In any case, users will have the right to their data in accordance with the regulations in force at any given time.

Academia de Formación Forma te reserves the right to modify, without prior notice and at the appropriate time, the technical characteristics and operation of the website, as well as these General Conditions of Service.

The user accepts:

Use the website only for the purpose for which it has been made available, for lawful purposes, without making speculative, fraudulent or illegal requests.

That the data provided, except typographical error, are real, correct and offered in good faith to carry out the service.

Contents of the website

With regard to the contents of this website, it is totally forbidden:

– Reproduction, distribution or modification, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of Academia de Formación Fórmate S.L.
– Any type of infringement of the intellectual property rights of their legitimate owners.
– The use for commercial or advertising purposes of its contents, in whole or in part.

If you wish to use part of the contents of our website, you can request it by contacting us. In any case an express written authorization of confirmation will be necessary.

Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

The reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available to the public, extraction, reuse, forwarding or use of any nature, by any means or procedure, of any of the contents of this website is expressly prohibited, except in cases where it is legally permitted or authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights.

The user knows and accepts that the entire website, containing without exhaustive text, software, content (including structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of the same) photographs, audiovisual material and graphics, is protected by trademarks, copyrights and other legitimate rights registered, in accordance with international treaties to which Spain is a party and other property rights and laws of Spain.

Website Navigation

While browsing the website, when requesting information using the ‘more information’ form and when registering on the website (e.g. when passing a course exam), the IP address of the computer with which the website is accessed may be recorded.

This data is completely anonymous and will only be used to comply with legal requirements (RGPD), such as verifying acceptance of various terms of service, as well as to make statistics of visits through Google Analytics.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These General Conditions are governed by Spanish law.

Contact Addresses

If you have any questions about the conditions presented here or want to make any comments about them, you can use the contact information provided in the contact section of the website.

More information

Data protection: click on this link for more information on the personal data protection policy of this website, more information: Data Protection

Use of Cookies: this link has more information about the use of cookies on this website, more information: Cookie Policy

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